Results for 'Gay M. Fite'

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  1.  22
    Reinforcement of responding and not responding: Alternative responses.Michael D. Zeiler & Gay M. Fite - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (3):276-278.
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    Book Reviews Section 4.Geneva Gay, Paul Woodring, Harvey G. Neufeldt, Thomas M. Carroll, Richard W. Saxe, Maureen Macdonald Webster, Forrest E. Keesebury, Richard L. Hopkins, John Elias, Joseph M. Mccarthy, Charles R. Schindler, Robert L. Reid & Thomas D. Moore - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):99-110.
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  3. The elimination of the human within the technological society.Craig M. Gay - 2019 - In Michael Lamb & Brian A. Williams, Everyday ethics: moral theology and the practices of ordinary life. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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    Magnetotransport and superconductivity of α-uranium.G. M. Schmiedeshoff, D. Dulguerova, J. Quan, S. Touton, C. H. Mielke, A. D. Christianson, A. H. Lacerda, E. Palm, S. T. Hannahs, T. Murphy, E. C. Gay, C. C. McPheeters, D. J. Thoma, W. L. Hults, J. C. Cooley, A. M. Kelly, R. J. Hanrahan & J. L. Smith - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (19):2001-2022.
  5.  22
    Gender and Sexual Practice in Structural Context: Condom Use among Women Doing Sex Work in Southern India.Kim M. Blankenship, Lucía Fort, Mona J. E. Danner & Gay Young - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (6):860-888.
    In this study, we elaborate connections among gender, structure, and practice to suggest how social structural relations shape social sexual practice and, in the process, reshape gender relations. Using survey data from a study of a community mobilization intervention, we investigate the connection between institutional arrangements and condom use practice in sexual encounters with commercial clients and intimate partners among 410 women engaged in sex trade in a semiurban town in southern India. Multinomial logistic regression analysis uncovers the effects of (...)
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    Nurses' Voices: policy, practice and ethics.Mila A. Aroskar, D. Gay Moldow & Charles M. Good - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (3):266-276.
    This article deals with nurses’ ethical concerns raised by the consequences of changes in governmental and institutional policies on nursing practice and patient care. The aims of this project were to explore perspectives of registered nurses who provide or manage direct patient care on policies that affect nursing and patient care, and to provide input to policy makers for the development of more patient-centred policies. Four focus groups were conducted with a total of 36 registered nurse participants. The project team (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Robert F. Bieler, Paul B. Pederson, Robert L. Church, N. Ray Hiner, Edward J. Power, Michael J. Parsons, Stewart E. Fraser, June T. Fox, Monroe C. Beardsley, Richard Gambino, Richard D. Mosier, David Lawson, Frederick C. Gruber, David L. Kirp, Russell L. Curtis, Jerry Miner, Geneva Gay, Phillip C. Smith & Emma M. Capelluzzo - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (2):99-112.
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]Edward M. Swiderski, William C. Gay & T. J. Blakeley - 1975 - Studies in East European Thought 15 (1):89-91.
  9. Do teachers ask students to read news in secondary science?: Evidence from the Canadian context.Melissa R. Kachan, Sandra M. Guilbert & Gay L. Bisanz - 2006 - Science Education 90 (3):496-521.
  10.  18
    Waves of Protest: Social Movements Since the Sixties.David G. Bromley, Diana Gay Cutchin, Luther P. Gerlach, John C. Green, Abigail Halcli, Eric L. Hirsch, James M. Jasper, J. Craig Jenkins, Roberta Ann Johnson, Doug McAdam, David S. Meyer, Frederick D. Miller, Suzanne Staggenborg, Emily Stoper, Verta Taylor & Nancy E. Whittier (eds.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book updates and adds to the classic Social Movements of the Sixties and Seventies, showing how social movement theory has grown and changed.
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    M. F ORREST : Modernising the Classics. A Study in Curriculum Development . Pp. 200. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1996. Cased, £22.50. ISBN: 0-85989-486-X. [REVIEW]Brenda Gay - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (1):319-320.
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  12. Ricoeur on metaphor and ideology.William C. Gay - 1992 - Darshana International 32 (1):59-70.
    arguments concerning whether such changes are creative. [2] Less frequently addressed are questions about how to assess the perceptual implications of these linguistic innovations. [3] Using insights of Ricoeur and, to a lesser extent, M. Merleau Ponty and V. N. Volosinov, I will provide a model for evaluating a certain class of linguistic innovations, namely, new uses of language which rely upon distortion of typical perceptual associations. (Excluded from such new linguistic uses are, for example, analogical innovations, as presented by (...)
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  13.  30
    Réflexions à propos de “Routinizing the Unexpected”.Gaye Tuchman - 2016 - Temporalités 23.
    Lorsqu’on m’a demandé de commenter mon article « Making news by doing work », je ne l’avais pas relu depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années. Cependant, j’avais l’intuition que mon analyse sur ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui les « legacy media », les médias traditionnels, s’appliquerait de façon pertinente aux pratiques en pleine évolution des personnes travaillant dans les médias digitaux. Il y a plus de quarante ans, je postulai que les employés des médias traditionnels avaient élaboré des manières...
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    Moral Philosophy: The Critical View of LifeWarner Fite.M. C. Otto - 1926 - International Journal of Ethics 36 (3):309-312.
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  15. Moral Philosophy: The Critical View of Life. By M. C. Otto. [REVIEW]Warner Fite - 1925 - International Journal of Ethics 36:309.
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    Bradley's Ideal Morality and Fite's Moral Ideal.M. R. Konvitz - 1930 - International Journal of Ethics 41 (1):1-13.
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    Gay Marriage, Liberalism, and Recognition: The Case for Equal Treatment.Jacob M. Held - 2007 - Public Affairs Quarterly 21 (3):221-233.
  18.  26
    “It’s Not Always Possible to Live Your Life Openly or Honestly in the Same Way” – Workplace Inclusion of Lesbian and Gay Humanitarian Aid Workers in Doctors Without Borders.Julian M. Rengers, Liesbet Heyse, Sabine Otten & Rafael P. M. Wittek - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    In this exploratory study, we present findings from semi-structured interviews with 11 self-identified lesbian and gay (LG) humanitarian aid workers of Doctors without Borders (MSF). We investigate their perceptions of workplace inclusion in terms of perceived satisfaction of their needs for authenticity and belonging within two organizational settings, namely office and field. Through our combined deductive and inductive approach, based on grounded theory, we find that perceptions of their colleagues’ and supervisors’ attitudes and behaviors, as well as organizational inclusiveness practices (...)
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  19. Slanted Truths: The Gay Science as Nietzsche's Ars Poetica.Joshua M. Hall - 2016 - Evental Aesthetics 5 (1):98-117.
    This essay derives its focus on poetry from the subtitle of Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft: “la gaya scienza.” Nietzsche appropriated this phrase from the phrase “gai saber” used by the Provençal knight-poets (or troubadours) of the eleventh through thirteenth centuries — the first lyric poets of the European languages — to designate their Ars Poetica or “art of poetry.” I will begin with an exploration of Nietzsche’s treatment of poets and poetry as a subject matter, closely analyzing his six aphorisms which (...)
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  20.  81
    The unfinished revolution: social movement theory and the gay and lesbian movement.Stephen M. Engel - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Unfinished Revolution compares the post-Second World War histories of the American and British gay and lesbian movements with an eye toward understanding how distinct political institutional environments affect the development, strategies, goals, and outcomes of a social movement. Stephen M. Engel utilizes an electic mix of source materials ranging from the theories of Mancur Olson and Michel Foucault to Supreme Court rulings and film and television dialogue. The two case study chapters function as brief historical sketches to elucidate further (...)
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  21.  39
    The origins of Gay-Lussac's law of combining volumes of gases.M. P. Crosland - 1961 - Annals of Science 17 (1):1-26.
  22.  47
    A survey on views of how to assist with coming out as gay, changing same-sex behavior or orientation, and navigating sexual identity confusion.Angela M. Liszcz & Mark A. Yarhouse - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (2):159 – 179.
    This study is an analysis of 186 psychologists' attitudes on what constitutes ethical practice when counseling clients who present with a range of concerns related to their experience of same-sex attraction and behavior. Three different groups of psychologists were surveyed: generalists, specialists in gay and lesbian issues, and religiously affiliated psychologists. Participants also rated the effectiveness of several professional experiences in providing education, direction, sanctions, or support to regulate the practice of counseling nonheterosexual clients. Significant group differences were found regarding (...)
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  23.  42
    French Gay Modernism (review).Denis M. Provencher - 2007 - Substance 36 (1):178-183.
  24.  30
    Etkin Diğerk'mlık Düşüncesi ve Pratiğini Spinoza ile Birlikte Düşünmek.Gaye Çankaya Eksen - 2023 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):170-184.
    Çağdaş düşünür Peter Singer’ın toplumsal eşitliğin tesisi için ortaya koyduğu etkin diğerkâmlık anlayışı kaynakların eşit paylaşımı yoluyla insanlar arası bir ortaklık ruhunun güçlendirilmesini ve bu ortaklık ruhunun demokratik bir politik vizyonun temeli olmasını hedefler. Singer’ın etkin diğerkâmlık teori ve pratiğinde açıkça Spinozacı bir köken olduğu ifade edilmese de, aralarında yüzyıllar olan bu iki düşünürün insanlar arası ilişkileri saf bir güç çatışması ve güçlü olanın hayatta kalması anlayışına indirgemeye dair bir direnç ve bu direncin belirlediği bir birlikte yetkinleşme fikri çevresinde buluştukları (...)
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  25.  17
    Review: Peter Gay's "The Enlightenment: An Interpretation". [REVIEW]Arthur M. Wilson - 1968 - Diderot Studies 10:303 - 312.
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    Gays / Justice: A Study of Ethics, Society, and Law.Jason M. Wirth - 1990 - Social Philosophy Today 4:434-436.
  27.  53
    The Living Mind. By Warner Fite. (London: Williams & Norgate Ltd. 1931. Pp. ix + 317. Price 10s. 6d. net.).B. M. Laing - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (24):499-.
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    A Queer Marketplace: Books on Lesbian and Gay Consumers, Workers, and Investors. [REVIEW]M. Badgett - 1997 - Feminist Studies 23 (3):607.
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    Michel Foucault, Jean Le Bitoux, and the Gay Science Lost and Found: An Introduction.David M. Halperin - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (3):371-380.
  30. A place in the Rainbow: Theorizing lesbian and gay culture.Janice M. Irvine - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (2):232-248.
  31.  43
    Determinants of Non-paid Task Division in Gay-, Lesbian-, and Heterosexual-Parent Families With Infants Conceived Using Artificial Reproductive Techniques.Loes Van Rijn - Van Gelderen, Kate Ellis-Davies, Marijke Huijzer-Engbrenghof, Terrence D. Jorgensen, Martine Gross, Alice Winstanley, Berengere Rubio, Olivier Vecho, Michael E. Lamb & Henny M. W. Bos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:515593.
    Background: The division of non-paid labor in heterosexual parents in the West is usually still gender-based, with mothers taking on the majority of direct caregiving responsibilities. However, in same-sex couples, gender cannot be the deciding factor. Inspired by Feinberg’s ecological model of co-parenting, this study investigated whether infant temperament, parent factors (biological relatedness to child, psychological adjustment, parenting stress, and work status), and partner relationship quality explained how first-time gay, lesbian, and heterosexual parents divided labor (childcare and family decision-making) when (...)
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    The Politics of Masculinity and the Ex-Gay Movement.Sue E. Spivey & Christine M. Robinson - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (5):650-675.
    The purpose of this research is to investigate the masculinity politics of the ex-gay movement, a loose-knit network of religious, scientific, and political organizations that advocates change for homosexuals. Guided by Risman's gender structure theory, the authors analyze the individual, interactional, and institutional dimensions of gender in ex-gay discourses. The authors employ critical discourse analysis of representative ex-gay texts to deconstruct the movement's gender ideology and to discuss the social implications of its masculinity politics. They argue that gender is one (...)
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  33. May Doctors Refuse Infertility Treatments to Gay Patients?Jacob M. Appel - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (4):20-21.
  34.  17
    One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics by Alexander R. Pruss.O. S. B. Benedict M. Guevin - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):485-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics by Alexander R. PrussBenedict M. Guevin O.S.B.One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics. By Alexander R. Pruss. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2013. Pp. ix + 465. $45.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-0-268-03897-7.As a professor of moral theology in general and of sexual ethics in particular, I found Alexander Pruss’s largely philosophical account of sexual ethics to be (...)
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  35.  19
    Sociological, Political, and Legal Contexts regarding the Current Debate on Gay Marriage.Andrew M. Roth - 1998 - Public Affairs Quarterly 12 (3):347-361.
  36.  85
    Not such a queer idea: Is there a case for same sex marriages?M. D. A. Freeman - 1999 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 16 (1):1–17.
    Gay marriages (as such) are not as yet allowed anywhere but the demand for them is increasing. Most countries take a liberal attitude towards marriage: few obstacles are put in its way. But objections to gay marriages continue to be raised. These objections are refuted and the case for gay marriage is assessed through the prism of various forms of liberalism. The normative argument for allowing gay marriage is shown to be both strong and consistent with many of the values (...)
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    Book Review: Understanding Narrative Identity through Lesbian and Gay Youth by Edmund Coleman-Fountain. [REVIEW]Jamie M. Sommer - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (1):143-145.
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    How Religiosity Affects Attitudes Toward Brands That Utilize LGBTQ-Themed Advertising.Rafi M. M. I. Chowdhury, Denni Arli & Felix Septianto - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (1):63-88.
    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) inclusion in advertising is important from a marketing ethics perspective and many brands have implemented marketing campaigns that feature LGBTQ-related themes. However, certain segments of society, such as some (but not all) religious consumers, are resistant to LGBTQ-themed advertisements. Does religiosity undermine or enhance support for brands that use these types of advertisements? This research aims to answer this question and reports the findings of two studies that examine the role of religiosity in (...)
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  39. Mothering Queerly, Queering Motherhood: Resisting Monomaternalism in Adoptive, Lesbian, Blended and Polygamous Families.Shelley M. Park - 2013 - New York: SUNY.
    Bridging the gap between feminist studies of motherhood and queer theory, Mothering Queerly, Queering Motherhood articulates a provocative philosophy of queer kinship that need not be rooted in lesbian or gay sexual identities. Working from an interdisciplinary framework that incorporates feminist philosophy and queer, psychoanalytic, poststructuralist, and postcolonial theories, Shelley M. Park offers a powerful critique of an ideology she terms monomaternalism. Despite widespread cultural insistence that every child should have one—and only one—“real” mother, many contemporary family constellations do not (...)
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    You (Still) Can't Get Married, You're Faggots.Jacob M. Held - 2013 - In Robert Arp & Kevin S. Decker, The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 221–235.
    Gay marriage is an issue that almost everyone has an opinion about. As with most controversial topics, South Park has also had its say. This chapter centers around one particular episode of South Park, “Follow That Egg!” Recent events show that although the episode may be getting old, the issue and the themes raised in it are as topical as ever. There are many arguments for and against gay marriage. The author looks at the most familiar arguments on both sides (...)
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    Understanding Parenting Intentions Among Childfree Gay Men: A Comparison With Lesbian Women and Heterosexual Men and Women.Joke T. van Houten, Samantha L. Tornello, Peter J. Hoffenaar & Henny M. W. Bos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  42. Arthur O. Lovejoy’un “Büyük Varlık Zinciri”nin Kökeni ve Batı Düşüncesindeki İzdüşümleri.Asım Kaya - 2022 - Felsefe Arkivi 57:39-62.
    Büyük varlık zinciri felsefe tarihinde özellikle ontolojik bir tasvir olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu kavram her ne kadar düşünce tarihinde bir “mefhum” olarak yer alsa da 1936’da Arthur Lovejoy tarafından kökenlerine inilmek suretiyle sistematize edilmiş ve düşünce tarihindeki izi Lovejoy’un çalışmasından itibaren daha detaylı olarak sürülebilmiştir. Her düşünürde farklı nüanslarla ele alındığını müşahede ettiğimiz büyük varlık zinciri ana hatlarıyla; cansızlıktan bitkilere oradan sırasıyla hayvanlar ve insanlar alemine daha sonra ise melekler, gayr-ı maddi varlıklar alemi ve nihayetinde ana gaye olan Tanrı’ya değin (...)
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    A Response to Marcella Althaus-Reid's Indecent Theology: Theological Perversions in Sex, Gender, and Politics.Kathleen M. Sands - 2003 - Feminist Theology 11 (2):175-181.
    This essay applies the issues raised by Althaus-Reid to feminist theology, the Religious Left, and public policy in the US. Against many feminist theologies, it argues that an idealistic theology of eros has led feminist theologians to ask too much of sex. Particularly in the public arena, sexual ethics should be minimalist, focussing on the prevention of serious public harm and the promotion of sexual and reproductive freedom. The Religious Left, whether under the influence of old Christian anti-sexualism or the (...)
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  44.  19
    Sexual Orientation and Human Rights.Laurence M. Thomas & Michael E. Levin - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    What rights govern heterosexual and homosexual behaviors? Two distinguished philosophers debate this important issue in Sexual Orientation and Human Rights. Laurence M. Thomas argues that a society which has the constitutional resources to protect hate groups can protect homosexuals without valorizing the homosexual life-style. He defends the view that the Bible cannot warrant the venom that, in the name of religion, is often expressed against homosexuals. Michael E. Levin defends the unorthodox view that the aversion some people experience toward homosexuality (...)
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    Use of Arts-based Research to Uncover Racism.Trehani M. Fonseka, Akin Taiwo & Bharati Sethi - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 15 (1):43-58.
    The article provides an overview of arts-based research within social work and general healthcare practice in Canada, and how it can be used to uncover racism within vulnerable populations, particularly youth, women, immigrants and refugees, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex community, and Indigenous peoples. This is a general review of the literature. A literature search was conducted using the University of Western Ontario’s Summons database, with coverage from January 2000 to February 2019. Data exploring participant experiences, personal (...)
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  46. Commentary on Nancy Nicol’s Politics of the Heart: Recogniiton of Homoparental Families.Shelley M. Park - 2008 - Florida Philosophical Review 8 (1):157-163.
    This paper comments on the strategies and goals of a politics of recognition as celebrated by Nancy Nicol’s important documentary coverage of the gay and lesbian movement for family rights in Quebec. While agreeing that ending legal discrimination against lgbt families is important, I suggest that political recognition of same-sex families and their children is a too limited goal for queer families and their allies. Moreover, it is a goal, I argue, that often trades on trades on troublesome assumptions about (...)
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    Christian Ethics and Human Trafficking Activism: Progressive Christianity and Social Critique.Letitia M. Campbell & Yvonne C. Zimmerman - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):145-172.
    This essay argues that the antitrafficking movement's dominant rhetorical and conceptual framework of human trafficking as "sold sex" has significant limitations that deserve greater critical moral reflection. This framework overlooks key issues of social and economic injustice, and eclipses the experiences of marginalized people and communities, including immigrants and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer people, whose welfare and empowerment have been key concerns for progressive people of faith. By asking what insights progressive Christian social ethics might contribute to (...)
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    Flamers, Flaunting and Permissible Persecution: R.G. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [2006] E.W.C.A. Civ. 57.Toni A. M. Johnson - 2007 - Feminist Legal Studies 15 (1):99-111.
    This note analyses a recent case of the English Court of Appeal in which the applicant, R.G., a gay, H.I.V. positive Colombian claimed asylum on grounds of persecution due to his sexuality. Both the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal and the Court of Appeal rejected R.G.’s claim for asylum. The Court of Appeal’s first and most significant reason was that the alleged persecution was not sufficiently serious or life threatening, since R.G. had not suffered actual physical violence throughout the 13 years (...)
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  49. Is Queer Parenting Possible?Shelley M. Park - 2009 - In Rachel Epstein, Who’s Your Daddy? And Other Writings on Queer Parenting. Toronto: Sumach Press. pp. 316-327.
    This paper examines the possibility of parenting as a queer practice. Examining definitions of “queer” as resistant to presumptions and practices of reprosexuality and repro-narrativity (Michael Warner), bourgeouis norms of domestic space and family time (Judith Halberstam), and policies of reproductive futurism (Lee Edelman), I argue that queer parenting is possible. Indeed, parenting that resists practices of normalization are, in part, realized by certain types of postmodern families. However, fully actualizing the possibility of parenting queerly—and thus teaching our children the (...)
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    “Can I Just be a Human?” Reading Lgbtq+ Youths’ Civics Talk-as-Text.Jon M. Wargo - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (1):19-33.
    Thinking at the axes of homonationalism, civic education, and queer-inclusive social studies, this article complicates the uneven relationships between lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) exclusion and belonging. Arguing that more attention should be paid to how Genders and Sexualities Alliance (GSA) spaces may function to render particular imaginaries of the queer civic subject, and the U.S. queer civic subject in particular, more viable than others, I extend both the conceptual and methodological directions of out-of-school social studies research to (...)
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